Vegetation Condition Index (VCI)
The occurrence of drought is mainly a climatic phenomenon which cannot be eliminated. However, its impact can be considerably reduced if in-season spatio-temporal information related to crop status is available to the decision makers and they use it judiciously to manage agricultural resources. Satellite imagery is an effective tool that provides spatial information regularly in a timely manner. The Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI) developed using band combination of satellite imagery are used for monitoring the status of vegetation. Using MODIS 500 m,16 day maximum NDVI and NDWI composited product, VCI is used to assess crop growing situations. It focuses on assessment of vegetation growth by noting vegetation changes and comparing them with historical values. It is expected that the span should cover atleast one very good (conducive) and one very bad (adverse) agricultural year. The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) compares the current NDVI to the range of values observed in the same period in previous years. The VCI is expressed in % and gives an idea where the observed value is situated between the extreme values (minimum and maximum) in the previous years. Lower values indicate bad and higher values good vegetation conditions, respectively. The developed package attempts to provide an easy to use tool in the hands of resource managers. At the back-end is the efficiency of remote sensing and GIS techniques and software supported packaging provides ease of operations in the hands of resource managers for monitoring the spatio-temporal extent of agricultural condition.
{{lbl}} VCI (%) NDVI SPI Min Max Avg CV (%)
 {{}} {{vci[]}} {{current[] | zScore }} {{current[]}} {{min[]}} {{max[]}} {{avg[]}} {{cv[]}}