Dashboard : Desertification & Land Degradation Dashboard : Desertification & Land Degradation
For Technical Queries
Shweta Mishra - Scientist/Engineer-SF 079-2691 6237/6218 jaiswals[at]sac[dot]isro[dot]gov[dot]in
Pankaj A. Bodani - Deputy Head-VWAD 079-2691 6205 pankajb[at]sac[dot]isro[dot]gov[dot]in
Shashikant A. Sharma - Group Director-GAWG 079-2691 6202 sasharma[at]sac[dot]isro[dot]gov[dot]in
For Desertification Data Related Queries
Manish Parmar - Scientist/Engineer-SF 079-2691 4028 manish[dot]parmar[at]sac[dot]isro[dot]gov[dot]in
R.J.Bhanderi - Scientist/Engineer-SF 079-2691 6220 rjbhanderi[at]sac[dot]isro[dot]gov[dot]in
Land Degradation Vulnerability Atlas (PDF Size:36MB Language: English)
Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India 2021 (PDF Size:94.9MB Language: English)
Desertification Land Degradation Atlas 2018 SAC-ISRO Vol-1 (PDF Size:57.4MB Language: English)
Desertification Land Degradation Atlas 2018 SAC-ISRO Vol-2 (PDF Size:63.9MB Language: English)
DSM Technical Guideline (PDF Size:4.0MB Language: English)
Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India 2016 (PDF Size:131MB Language: English)
(PDF Size:10.3MB Language: English)
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