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Space Applications Centre  Department of Space, Indian Space Research Organisation

AI based Solar power plants extraction for Indian states from Resourcesat LISS IV data

Solar power plants are extracted for ten Indian states (Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu). Combined installed capacity of solar power for these states is 81.87GW which is about is 90.2% of India's total solar capacity (90.76GW) . Automatic extraction of these Solar power plants are done using artificial intelligence based deep learning neural networks for the year (Jan-April) 2023. Indian Remote sensing (IRS) Resourcesat-2A LISS IV satellite data is used with 5m ground spatial resolution and three spectral bands green, red and NIR. The study also includes temporal change analysis of Solar Plants from 2018 till 2023. It is found that in the past five years solar power plants inventories have increased nearly 6.3 times in Rajasthan, 2.5 times in Gujarat, 1.5 times in Madhya Pradesh, 1.57 times in Maharashtra, 1.25 times in Karnataka, 0.3 times in Telangana, 1.87 times in Andhra Pradesh and 2.31 times in Tamil Nadu. This work is carried out under TDP- 202302021, titled “Deep learning Based Solar Plants Identification using high-resolution remote sensing data”.

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Image for AI based Solar power plants extraction for Rajasthan from Resourcesat LISS IV data

NWIA - High resolution Remote Sensing Assessment and Analysis

India is blessed with an enormous diversity of wetland ecosystems which play a critical role in regulating carbon and hydrological cycles, resilience in climate change and land degradation, water related disasters, nutrient cycling, local economy etc. The concern for conservation and management of wetlands is increasing all over the world including India, due to increasing population pressure and developmental activities. Space Applications Centre, ISRO has generated National wetlands geospatial dataset using multi-date and multi-seasonal Resourcesat-2/2A LISS-IV datasets of 5m spatial resolution (approx. 4000 scenes). A wetland classification system based on IUCN/RAMSAR definition and amenability on remotely sensed data was used to classify the wetlands. Total twenty types of wetlands were mapped. Nation-wide mapping of wetlands at 1:10000 scale provides current status of wetlands, its type, extent, area, perimeter, location, distribution etc. Total wetland area estimated is 16.89 Mha, which is around 5.12 % of the total geographic area of the country. A total of 3.58 Million wetlands in number with 2.49 Million wetlands (area >= 0.1 ha) as polygon features and another 1.09 Million wetlands (< 0.1 ha) as point features have been mapped. Wetlands statistics along with geospatial analysis is being brought out in the form of an atlas. This National wetlands work is done under SARITA (SAtellite based RIver basin hydrological Techniques and Application) programme with the support of state remote sensing centres and various academic institutions. For more details about the geospatial data please visit (

Click here to Visualise Wetlands 

Click here to Download Atlas  (PDF Size:709MB Language: English)

Image for Space based observation of Indian wetlands

Space based observation of Indian wetlands

India is blessed with an enormous diversity of wetland ecosystems which play a critical role in regulating carbon and hydrological cycles, resilience in climate change and land degradation, water related disasters, nutrient cycling, local economy etc. The concern for conservation and management of wetlands is increasing all over the world including India, due to burgeoning population pressure and developmental activities. Therefore, Space Applications Centre has carried out National wetland inventory and assessment-2nd cycle under SARITA (SAtellite based RIver hydrological Techniques and Application) programme of SAC, funded by Department of Space. This National wetland geo-database is developed using multi-date Resourcesat-2/2A, LISS-III datasets and with the support of many partner Institutions. Nation-wide mapping of wetlands at 1:50000 scale provides current status of wetlands, its type, extent, size, location, distribution, as well as decadal changes. Wetlands inventory statistics along with geospatial analysis has been brought out in the form of an atlas titled “Space based observation of Indian wetlands”.

Click here to Know more  (PDF Size:471MB Language: English)

Image for Space based observation of Indian wetlands

Launch of the ‘Geospatial Energy Map of India’ by Hon’ble VC, NITI Aayog on October 18, 2021

The Geospatial Energy Map of India was launched by Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on October 18, 2021. The occasion was graced by Dr. K. Sivan, Chairman, ISRO, Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog, Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog and Shri Nilesh M Desai, Director SAC. NITI Aayog and ISRO jointly developed the Geospatial Energy Map of India, in association with Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, and Department of Atomic Energy. The website currently provides access to 27 thematic layers of energy sector in India.

Click here to go to Geospatial Energy Map of India

Image for Geospatial Energy Map of India Launch Event

Catastrophic Calving Events due to Collision of D28

Click here to Know more  (PDF Size:418KB Language: English)

Image for Catastrophic Calving Events due to Collision of D28

Assessment of surface inundation and changes in water turbidity associated with Cyclone Yaas

Yaas cyclone induced flash floods influenced many low-lying areas in the coastal regions and changed the turbidity of the wetlands. Study was carried out to assess the impact of cyclone on various Hydrological aspects including surface inundation, rainfall, and water quality. Surface inundation was estimated using synthetic aperture radar Sentinel-1 and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-2) dataset. Optical dataset of Sentinel-2 was analysed to understand the changes in the turbidity of the nearby rivers and lakes. Accumulated rainfall showed a high amount (> 300 mm) of precipitation received at the landfall location in Odisha during the period of 23 May 2021 to 28 May 2021. Heavy flooding was observed in the coastal districts of Orissa including Bhadrak, Kendrapara. Near Digha coast, a high amount of river discharge at the ocean mouth was observed in comparison to pre cyclone time. The turbidity of the water was also observed to be high due to sediments carried by the river.

Click here to Know more  (PDF Size:743KB Language: English)

Image for Assessment of surface inundation and changes in water turbidity
                            associated with Cyclone Yaas

All India Sentinel-1 SAR data now available for visualisation and analysis

A fully automated procedure is now established for downloading, processing and publishing of Sentinel1-A&B SAR data on VEDAS. The data Sentinel1_SAR(IW)_GRD is automatically downloaded from Bhoonidhi portal; processed using SNAP tool and published on VEDAS for users. User can perform web-based visualisation and analysis at very high speed.
Following functionalities are available on VEDAS for Sentinel-1 SAR data :
1. Visualisation of daily data for a selected date for VV and VH polarisation.
2. Temporal profile for a pixel is available on click for both polarisations.
3. User defined dynamic mosaic of SAR data can be generated for any number of days.
4. RGB composite for any three dates and polarisation can be generated.
5. Water spread of reservoirs of flooded area can be generated with user defined thresholds.

Image for All India Sentinel-1 SAR data now available for visualisation and analysis

MIcrowave Data Analysis Software (MIDAS)

(Developed by Microwave Techniques Development Division, AMHTDG, EPSA, SAC)

Microwave Data Analysis Software (MIDAS) is a SAC developed software for the study and analysis of Microwave remote sensing data. MIDAS is a self-sufficient, portable software developed in C++ and Java. It has gsl2, tqdm, libtiff and GDAL as its dependencies. These are provided with MIDAS and it is not required to install them prior to using MIDAS. This software caters to ISRO SAR missions like, RISAT-1, Chandrayaan-2 DFSAR, LS-ASAR (airborne precursor to NISAR mission), etc. Apart from that, MIDAS also supports processing of ALOS-1, RADARSAT-2 and UAVSAR datasets too. It has several polarimetric data analysis features, by providing support to convert data into C3/T3/C4 matrices, speckle-filtering, polarimetric decompositions (Pauli, Yamaguchi, H-A-Alpha etc). MIDAS supports Wishart classification by user-defined RoI selection.

Click here to download MIDAS  

Click here to download MIDAS RISAT1A Time Series Processor  

Image for MIcrowave Data Analysis Software (MIDAS)

AdVance HYperspectral data Analysis Software (AVHYAS)

(Developed by Hyperspectral Techniques Development Division (AMHTDG, EPSA, SAC, ISRO, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380015)

AdVance HYperspectral data Analysis Software (AVHYAS-version-1) is an in-house developed tool for the processing, analysis and visualization of hyperspectral data. AVHYAS tool has been plugged in with QGIS platform which is an open source GIS environment to have the GIS capabilities and extend QGIS for hyperspectral image analysis. AVHYAS is built on back end framework Python 3.7, Scikit-learn, GDAL, tensor flow while front end is QGIS 3.14 with QT designer. Major modules of AVHYAS are atmospheric correction, deep learning classification, data fusion, spectral unmixing, feature extraction, target detection, geophysical applications etc. along with data quality evaluation, preprocessing and basic tools.

Click here to download   (ZIP 2.0 GB)

Image for AdVance HYperspectral data Analysis Software (AVHYAS)

Exploring the Antarctic

This book presents the highlights of various scientific studies in the Antarctic region undertaken by Space Applications Centre (SAC-ISRO) using the earth observation data and decade long experience (2009-2019) of participation in the expeditions to Antarctica coordinated by National Centre of Polar and Ocean Research (ESSO-NCPOR). The studies include technique development and analysis of sea ice, ice sheet and ice shelves using sensors launch by ISRO such as AltiKa, SCATSAT-1, OSCAT, MSMR, RISAT, AWiFS, LISS-III, LISS-IV etc. Field studies include measurements at Bharati and Maitri stations

Click here to read book  (PDF Size:35.1MB Language: English)

Image for Exploring the Antarctic

SPI and VCI based real time drought monitoring for Indian region

Drought is a complex natural phenomenon which impact agriculture enormously. Early detection of drought helps stakeholders to take counter measures and provide timely advisories. VEDAS has newly added drought monitoring functionality in its basket by providing widely used Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and Vegetation Condition Index (VCI).

VEDAS is providing monthly and running 1-month weekly SPI at state as well as taluka levels. Monthly SPI is being calculated using CHIRPS precipitation data while running 1-month weekly SPI is being calculated using NOAA and CHIRPS rainfall data based on 1981-2018 CHIRPS precipitation data. It is available at its vegetation condition dashboard. It is also enabled with spatial analysis (map) as well as data analysis (pie chart and bar chart) functionalities.

Click here to visualise SPI

Image for SPI and VCI based real time drought monitoring for Indian region

Experimental short range water level and inundation forecast for the Brahmaputra river

Being the highest specific discharge river system in the world, the Brahmaputra river experiences number of long-duration flood waves during the monsoon season annually. Therefore, WRF-Hydro model is setup and is used to predict 3-day water level and inundation probability during the monsoonal flood condition in the Brahmaputra river at Guwahati gauge station and this prediction is visualised on VEDAS.

Water level of various waterbodies over India derived from satellite altimetry is also visualised in Hydrology Application.

Click here to visualise Hydrology Application and forecast

Image for Experimental short range water level and inundation forecast for the
                                Brahmaputra river
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