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Data Identification Information
Name of the Dataset Inland Water level retrieved from satellite Altimetry
Theme Hydrology
Keywords Altimeter, Geophysical range correction, waveform processing
Access Constraints No
Purpose of creating data To compliment in-situ gauge network and to generate consistent time-series dataset
Data Type Product in ASCII format, with date and water level (in meter) with reference to mean sea surface
Contact Information
Contact Person Dr. Shard Chander
Organization Space Applications Cenre (ISRO)
Mailing Address Jodhpur Tekra, Ahmedabad
City/Locality Ahmedabad
Country India
Contact Telephone 07926914138
Contact Fax 07926915825
Contact Email
Geographic Location
Spheroid / Datum WGS84
Data Prepared by Dr. Shard Chander
Original Source Shard Chander, Debojyoti Ganguly, “Development of water level estimation algorithms using SARAL/ Altika dataset and validation over the Ukai reservoir, India,” J. Appl. Remote Sens. 11(1), 016012 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.11.016012.
Source Date 2017
Metadata Stamp
Metadata Date Stamp 2019-08-07T12:56:09.800Z
Data Identification topic category Hydrological Science and Application
Language ISO 06392Bsh English
Abstract describing the data
Data Identification Abstract Water level was estimated, using radar altimetry, over the major Indian inland water bodies over the duration 2008-2019 using modified algorithms specifically for inland water bodies. The methodology was based on waveform classification, waveform retracking, and dedicated inland range corrections algorithms.
Data Quality
Accuracy Over one of the test site, Ukai reservoir, the altimeter retrieved water level results were validated with the GPS survey and in situ gauge dataset. The results were found to be in good agreement with an overall root-mean-square error <15 cm.
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