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 National Emblem Vedas Logo Visualisation of Earth Observation Data and Archival System
Space Applications Centre  Department of Space, Indian Space Research Organisation

About Training and Research

Mandate: Research and training of Academic faculty and students in the field of Earth-ecosystem processes using VEDAS and other related datasets.

Vision: Development of Earth-ecosystems research expertise using Indian satellite data and products.

Mission: Capacity building of students, young researchers and academia on the geospatial tools and techniques with VEDAS products and Indian satellite data.

The overarching purpose of the ERTD is to expand the societal benefits of the nation’s investments in ISRO Earth science research.

Through academia and research institutions, the ERTD research and training Program enables the use of Earth science research to enhance the remote sensing research, applications and human resources. This would benefit the larger part of the society through decision support tools which organizations use to serve their management and policy responsibilities. This would enable the institutions to assess the potential value of Indian space borne data/products and work to determine ways to use the Earth science products on a sustained basis.